Good soil structure is especially important in the process of root interception. As the root grows through the soil it generally only comes in contact with about 1% of soil volume. This process is dependent on the roots to do the work and grow throughout the soil to seek out nutrients.

Each different course is beneficial for certain nutrients depending on how those nutrients move throughout the soil profile. Nutrients reach the root system for plant uptake in a number of ways.

This chart shows the nutrient mobility – very mobile nutrients like nitrates (N) and sulfur (S) can move quickly through the profile and reach plant roots more easily than immobile nutrients like phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Mobility varies from nutrient to nutrient.

Nutrients get to the corn plant in two ways – either the roots grow to the nutrient or the nutrient gets to the roots via soil water. In this blog post, we’ll explore those factors, the variables at play and new approaches that can help us better provide nutrients to corn throughout the season. There are a lot of factors that play a role in the nutrient needs of plants, nutrient availability and plant uptake, and nutrient utilization throughout the season. Visit Google's Privacy Policy to learn more about how we keep your data private, safe and secure.The nutrient needs of corn continue to evolve, especially as modern corn hybrids and agronomic practices advance. This includes differential privacy, which adds artificial noise to our datasets, enabling us to generate insights while preventing the identification of any individual person. We also use the same world-class anonymization technology used in our products every day to keep your activity data private and secure. People who have Location History turned on can choose to turn it off at any time from their Google Account and can always delete Location History data directly from their Timeline. Insights in these reports are created with aggregated, anonymized sets of data from users who have turned on the Location History setting, which is off by default. No personally identifiable information, such as an individual’s location, contacts or movement, will be made available at any point. The Community Mobility Reports were developed to be helpful while adhering to our stringent privacy protocols and protecting people’s privacy.